Contact Us
For more information about our club,
please email:
or call : (905) 391-1745
Ajax Community Centre
75 Centennial Road
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
The Ajax Community Centre is visible from Harwood Ave. S. and Bayly Street, near the Hospital. Access from Clements Rd. W. or Monarch Ave.
When you arrive please go to the MAIN DOORS.
Please book your class in advance. On Vagaro Booking - Click Here.
Read the important info on the front page.
Download and complete the New Member Intake Form and bring it with you to class.
Bring your own gloves (we have some to borrow).
Or purchase gloves from us or Warrior Fight Store.
Bring your - I'm going to rock this class attitude! - see you soon!

A few words from our members...
“ When I heard about the Ajax Boxing Club, I had no idea the calibre and the quality of work out that I was about to try.
Every day I get stronger and I am so glad I walked through those doors.” - Jack W.